Fowler School District Featured for Their “College-Going Culture”
The Fowler School District serves students in northwestern Otero County and a small section of Pueblo County. Fewer than half of rural Colorado’s high school graduates go to college, but Fowler has been sending record numbers to college each year. The agriculturally-rich area encourages its youth to expand their knowledge and does this by matching their expectations with plenty of preparation.
The RTA-designed campus consolidation supports this focus on continuing education through the relocation of the Jr./Sr. High School as an addition to the south end of the existing elementary school to create a safe unified campus and to optimize the use of shared resources. The vocational agriculture space in the new addition includes two shop spaces, two classrooms, and an exterior project area. One shop will be dedicated to woodworking and construction trades, while the second shop will be utilized primarily for metal working.
Read more about Fowler’s generations-long “college-going culture” here.